Over the 4 years of Stream Hata, a huge number of influencers took part in the project. For some streamers, the events have become a launch pad, while for others they were an opportunity to meet up with friends offline. Here is a full list of the guests who appeared at the Stream Hata shows:
Dread, just_ns, C_a_k_e, Ramzes666, No[o]ne, Ian Nepomniachtchi, MistaFaker, ARS_ART, VooDooSh, Boris Belozerov, Alexander Pistoletov, Resolut1on, Inmate, Melharucos, Maddyson, Staipy, Butterfly, Mrs. Marple, Dosia, Santa, CrystalMay, Nexus, Spacemita, Zanuda, Alohadance, F1ashko, RomanovaLera, DkPhobos, Jam, Maestorm, DiSimon, Nastjadd, Sunlight, Vovapain, KarmikKoala, Dragneel_FH, Gromjkee, koshkamoroshka, Carpenterr, iLame and Anton Deryabin